
Connecting to great causes

Wish to share your discount with a worthy cause? Just ask and we’ll donate and match half of your discount to a local charity. For example, if your inspection price were $400, your discount would take that fee down to $360. If you decided to Pay-It-Forward, you would pay $380, and $20 would go to a great local charity along with $20 from Cedar Valley Inspections.

Don’t qualify for a discount but still want to Pay-It-Forward? Just ask and we’ll donate 5% of your inspection fee to a great local charity!

Cedar Valley Inspections donates to local charities including the DAV (Disabled American Veterans), Seattle Children’s Hospital, and the Ronald McDonald House, among others. We’ve seen the real and local impacts these fine charities can have for some very deserving individuals in times of need. Do you have a local charity you would like your inspection’s donation to benefit? Tell us all about it when scheduling your inspection!

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